Total Lab Supplies - Everything for your laboratory

Total Lab Supplies - Everything for your laboratory
Our Head Office in St Helens

Laboratory Chemicals

Total Lab Supplies offer a comprehensive single source of laboratory chemicals and reagents. These include general laboratory and analytical reagents, culture media, solvents, buffers, biochemicals, water test kits and many more.

Laboratory Chemicals
  • We can supply chemicals in quantities from milligrams to tonnes
  • We can supply virtually any chemical you require using our extensive research capabilities
  • All chemicals are rigorously tested to meet the critical standards demanded by our customers
  • The Fisher and Acros range of chemicals that we supply are synonymous with quality throughout the world and certificates of analysis can be supplied at no extra charge.
  • We also sell a wide range of Total Lab Supplies brand solutions and standards. We can manufacture to order so reaction to customer demand is rapid. The Total Lab Supplies brand extends to a vast range of general purpose and AR grade chemicals.
Production of Novel, Research and intermediate chemicals can be undertaken for short or longer term contracts. Few companies can match the commitment to quality assurance that Total Lab Supplies continually demonstrates through every production process.